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About us

NOVAARS INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD provides Civil & Structural Engineering Consultancy Services including Structural Design, Inspection, Supervision, Investigation, Appraisal, Strengthening & Rehabilitation in Singapore and the Region. We are licensed by the Professional Engineers Board Singapore to supply Professional Engineering Services in Civil & Structural Engineering field. We are registered with Expenditure and Procurement Policies Unit (Singapore) -EPPU to provide Consultancy and Survey services. 
The Quality Management System of Novaars International Pte Ltd conforms to ISO9001. We have established our Occupational Health and Safety Management System conforming to ISO 45001. We have obtained bizSAFE STAR certification from Singapore Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Council. We have also developed our Environmental Management System conforming to ISO 14001.


In a Nutshell

Some key points about NOVAARS:

History & Management

Novaars International Pte Ltd is a Singapore based company providing civil and structural engineering consultancy services that was founded in 2004 by Er. Yogesh Chhabra

Company Policy & Commitment

The Management and staff of Novaars International Pte Ltd are committed to provide quality and timely professional services to our clients.

Quality Management

Novaars International Pte Ltd has established a Quality Management system according to ISO9001 for provision of Civil & Structural Engineering Consultancy Services.

Occupational Health & Safety Management

Novaars International Pte Ltd has established an Occupational Health and Safety Management System conforming to ISO 45001.

Explore Our Awesomeness



our work


Our Team

Our key staff and associates have professional qualifications, desired skills and valuable experience in the Construction Industry to undertake projects of different nature meeting complex technical requirements and tight project schedules. Over the years, we have established a successful track record of completion of variety of public and private sector projects to the satisfaction of all the stakeholders. We are committed to put concerted efforts towards delivering product and service excellence to continually exceed expectations of our clients.










Novaars in Detail

Some key points about Novaars:


Company Policy & Commitment

The Management and staff of Novaars International Pte Ltd are committed to provide quality and timely professional services to our clients. Our experienced team of engineering professionals continually strives to not only meet expectations of our clients but also create more value for them through persistent innovation, learning and improvement.


Quality Management

Novaars International Pte Ltd has established a Quality Management system according to ISO9001 for provision of Civil & Structural Engineering Consultancy Services. We are committed to adding value to our clients by delivering product and service excellence and exceeding their expectations & requirements.


Occupational Health & Safety Management

Novaars International Pte Ltd has established an Occupational Health and Safety Management System conforming to ISO 45001. The senior management of the Company recognises that occupational health and safety is an integral part of our business and is committed to provide adequate infrastructure & resources to ensure safety of our employees, subcontractors, visitors & general public.


Environmental Management

Novaars International Pte Ltd has developed its Environmental Management System conforming to ISO 14001. Our company recognises the importance of environmental protection for sustainable growth and we are committed to provide adequate infrastructure & resources to protect the environment from the impact of all the activities undertaken by us. We shall eliminate, minimize and control the pollution and environmental impacts associated with our activities. We also involve employees in environmental issues including environmental aspect impact formulation and solicit their recommendations for continual improvement





Alexander Veiss

“…Absolutely fantastic work, many thanks for the perfect collaboration so far, very much appreciated!…”

Melina Albrecht

“… I love this team! They did fantastic work, many thanks for the perfect collaboration so far…”

Alexander Josh

“…Absolutely fantastic work, many thanks for the perfect collaboration so far, very much appreciated!…”


What you get with Novaars

The things you get when installing Novaars:

Principal & Maintenance Inspection of Infrastructure

Periodic Structural Inspection of Buildings & Infrastructure

Visual Inspection and Pre/ Post Construction Condition Survey of Buildings & Infrastructure

Inspection, Monitoring & Rehabilitation of Bridge Bearings and Bridge Movement Joints

Structural Design- Qualified Person Design

Construction Supervision & Quality Control- Qualified Person Supervision

Start your journey with us now


Who we are

History & Management

Novaars International Pte Ltd is a Singapore based company providing civil and structural engineering consultancy servic…

Company Policy & Commitment

The Management and staff of Novaars International Pte Ltd are committed to provide quality and timely professional servi…

Quality Management

Novaars International Pte Ltd has established a Quality Management system according to ISO9001 for provision of Civil &a…

Occupational Health & Safety Management

Novaars International Pte Ltd has established an Occupational Health and Safety Management System conforming to ISO 4500…


History & Management

Singapore based company

Novaars International Pte Ltd is a Singapore based company providing civil and structural engineering consultancy services that was founded in 2004 by Er. Yogesh Chhabra after gaining multifaceted experience and insight into the local and regional construction industry spanning over two decades. We started with a niche focus aimed at addressing growing need for specialist civil engineering products & services such as FRP retrofit & protection; bridge bearings & movement Joint systems; structural Investigation & rehabilitation in Singapore and the region. Over the last decade, Novaars International Pte Ltd has developed into a complete solution provider for civil and structural engineering consultancy needs of our clients including structural design, site supervision, project management, structural investigation, assessment and rehabilitation.

NOVAARS, comprises of

Our Company name, NOVAARS, comprises of Latin words NOVA meaning New and ARS meaning Technique or Skill. This name was carefully selected to constantly remind us that our quest for learning and embracing new technologies always remains alive. We strive to adopt innovative methods and techniques to improve quality, productivity and safety of our offering. We also place great emphasis on training and skills upgrading of our team members so as to stay relevant in fast changing business landscape to better serve our customers.

Our key staff and associates

Our key staff and associates have professional qualifications, desired skills and valuable experience in the Construction Industry to undertake projects of different nature meeting complex technical requirements and tight project schedules. Over the years, we have established a successful track record of completion of variety of public and private sector projects to the satisfaction of all the stakeholders. We are committed to put concerted efforts towards delivering product and service excellence to continually exceed expectations of our clients.




Call us 24/7. We are there for your support

Find Us

33 Ubi Avenue 3
#06-26 Vertex Tower B


Tel: +65-66595549
Fax: +65-66592040